150 currency 50 icons 3 styles
This set of 150 currency 50 icons 3 styles line, color line and solid glyph icons.
Crafted by me (Icons designer since 2018).
A graphic design that places each object exactly in the pixel space.
For the clarity of display on different devices and support all screen sizes.
Most of them will be in the work that needs to be created in the display of
the main screen, such as the computer screen, laptop, mobile phone, etc.
Of course, these screens consist of many small squares in a different
display of images known as pixels. Layers & slices. Adobe Illustrator layers are group.
All neatly organized into folders.
You get 150 icons designed on pixel perfect grids in the following formats
AI(Cc) : 64px (3 Files :150 Icons)
AI(Cs6) : 64px (3 Files :150 Icons)
EPS(10) : 64px (3 Files :150 Icons)
EPS(Cc) : 64px (3 Files :150 Icons)
SVG : 64px (150 Icons)
SVG1.1 : 64px (150 Icons) (Presentation Attributes)
PDF : 64px (150 file)
PNG : 64px, 96px, 128px, 256px, 512px (750 Files)
PSD : 835x835 px(150 file)
ToTal 1,362 Files in Zip File